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A Conversation Between Two Worlds

Writer: Christie FlynnChristie Flynn

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing how synchronistic events unfolded in order to connect me with a grieving mother and her son that had passed a few short years ago.

You just have to be aware of your surroundings to pick up on the nuances, the signs, symbols nudges, and more.

Awareness precedes change.

It always fascinates me with the stories that clients share how they found me. Often, I HEAR and KNOW there’s an orchestration of people, events, and nudges along the way to make it happen.

Ah, synchronicity….

When I do remember to ask the question, “How did you find me?” The stories bring a smile to my heart as I sit back, take my work hat off, and listen to the story presented to me.

Some clients share it happened through word of mouth, others from the internet, either Google, Yelp, or a Facebook picture that flashes across their screen. Some as far as New Zealand, Ireland, and in this case, Florida. This specific story came to mind that I thought would be a great example of how a reading came together for Deb.

She had heard of me through a Facebook group from a friend that noticed my picture and decided to check out my profile. The words Psychic Medium and my picture jumped out at her and felt drawn to share my name with her friend… Deb.

Social media is pretty powerful in the ways it connects people. It was a really interesting series of events that occurred to create our meeting. In this reading, I was sharing a combination of Psychic and Mediumship insights. Psychic meaning all that had to do with her life, past, present, and future. Any blocks, barriers to the future, and how to be as successful as she can applying her gifts and advocating for herself in specific areas of life. There’s a whole checklist now that I’ve developed over time to which has been incredibly helpful for the process.

As for Mediumship – this is where the soul's spirit connects to me by revealing a strong energetic feeling to my right. I could feel Deb’s son’s energy fill up the room. His name is Aaron. He had passed away a few years prior. He shared with me how he had passed and much more.

Deb also wanted to know, what happens to a soul once it returns to the Spirit World? Where does the soul go?

If you could imagine a drop of water into a grand ocean of energy, that’s where the soul returns. It’s like a complicated tapestry of energy in the most loving way. Every time a soul shares details of how they live or what they’re doing on the other side. Often, I’ll see visual representations with more colors than you can imagine and experience it all at once.

Some that have had near-death experiences have described it as a connection to a matrix-like consciousness where everything is connected to the past present, and future. Where all time lives. And yes, souls find their family when they return to the Spirit World. It’s like picking up a telephone and they are there. All your family friends, and those from past lives too. For simplicities sake, I won’t describe the design of this world or past lives in this post. I’ll save that for another time.

During the session, she asked a common question I get asked, “Why did I feel him so strongly after he passed but not so much now?”

The best way to describe what happens is this…

In the early stages that a soul passes on to the Spirit World, many people have shared with me that they’ve felt a particular loved one close by. Spirits may try at great lengths to get our attention and at times we do miss their messages because they’re not always so obvious.

I have found that through conversations with clients that some souls grieve too and find it quite difficult to leave our world. With this in mind, and for this example some souls try to help us move forward with grief as well as their own. Initially, the energetic connection can be strong, and then over time, a soul does not always connect in the same way as it originally had.

Almost all those I have read for and who have lost a loved one want to have a visual sign, signal, or visit. But that’s not always possible for some reason as a soul evolves on the other side. The soul may use energy to connect through the phone, a car radio, a flicker of the lights, or even a light tapping on a window.

With Deb, her son Aaron came through vibrantly and with such incredible love. One of my favorite parts of making a connection is how the soul shares their description of themselves – personality (funny, quiet, smart, and spiritual), favorite hobbies, love of a particular music band, clothing style, a favorite animal, bird, flower, color, or car!

Connecting to a soul's energy...

I could feel Aaron's energetic vibration of energy. He stepped in with such a bright light, a passion for fishing, and love for his family… his momma. At times, the connection of the channeled message is so strong that I begin to feel the emotion of the soul and a deep love.

To describe this experience with a few words... It feels like my body, my heart… everything is filling up with more and more love. He shared some of the details of how he passed. In time I’ve been able to ask my guides and souls I connect with to only share certain details – the ones that are comfortable to me.

What I’ve come to realize after each experience is the incredible love that is expressed between the connecting soul, myself, and the person I’m reading for (most commonly called the sitter).

As the time nears the closing of a reading, I can feel a distance with the soul as it moves back to the place from which it came from. As Deb's son’s energy left, I could still feel the residual feeling of pure love as if to say until we meet again. By the end of the reading, I felt as if I had a new friend as well. Deb's energy exudes love and a heart-centeredness. We had a great connection and continue to email back and forth at times. She want's to pursue her knowledge of understanding her Intuitive gifts and has joined the next group I'm starting for Intuitive and Psychic Development in the fall.

The more I continue to do this work I realize there are many more spiritual people out there that speak the same language. The language of Spirit. We also seemed to just talk and talk as if we knew each other for many years. Shortly thereafter, I ended the video call feeling that our session was well received and of course I thanked her son for the good connection.

Most people think that I connect with the spirit, but in fact, it is the soul that enters our earthly plane and reaches to my energy to have the connection. I have been on the receiving end of some pretty harsh criticisms about not bringing certain loved ones through to people. But what some don't realize is this... I can't make a soul connect to me. We have to have a resonance that works well together. My hope is to write a book to help clear up some of the misunderstandings about this work.

Deb's story didn't end yet. There's more...

The following day I received an email from Debbie. She was so excited to share her realization that the day we had booked the reading actually had fallen on the anniversary of her son’s celebration of life ceremony…. And she attached a picture to the email to show me the information card for his celebration of life which revealed something too...

The street address of the location for the celebration read, ‘Christy’s Way.’

I pushed away the my chair to take her story in. I felt Aaron's energy connect again and I could see his bright smile. I could feel him share that he was grateful for the experience and that in some way it had help reassure his mother.

I also thought wow, he’s a smart kid just like his mom had shared with me. It’s the stories like this and many more that make me feel grateful to do this work.

If you have a question you’d like answered about the other side or the souls' experience, feel free to respond to this message and send your request.

I look forward to sharing more stories, providing insight, and of course… answering your questions in the best way I can.

This week I’m hosting a special event to answer questions about a particular area in your life that you’d like the answer to. Love, career, finances, or understanding your life purpose are a few of the areas that I get requests about, or even just feeling stuck and needing reassurance of your path. A few seats are left for this online event held Thursday, July 23 from 7pm to 8:45pm Ontario time (Canada). If you feel drawn to this event you can purchase tickets at

Much love to you!!

Christie xo



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