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Communication In All Forms Transcend Space and Time

Writer's picture: Christie FlynnChristie Flynn

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

Does proximity determine if we can have a legitimate conversation or communication with someone in spirit or the here and now? The answer is no.

Woman talking on an online meeting
The Evolution of Communication, Photo Credit: Wix Media


"How can you connect to Spirit over the phone or video? How does that work, and is it as effective?"- Asked Melissa

These questions are quite common in my field of work, but they seem to have popped up more and more recently.

The better question is, how can we communicate across distances with and without technology?

It's called consciousness.

Despite the evolution of communication from the phone to wireless technology, we continue to rely on non-physical forms of language such as patterned intuition to telepathy, a thought-to-thought transmission of a message. For example, consider the idea of a particular person, which is then met with a call from the person in mind within minutes or even a half hour of the original thought idea. What about the same idea that springs to life in the middle of a meeting by two or more participants? Upon discovery, most people will say, 'That was weird.' I refer to this as a 'supernatural' (or naturally SUPER) phenomenon that happens every second of the day worldwide. This form of communication isn't new. It's as old as time. (It's another form of wireless communication.)

Although our communication methods have evolved, we continue to share a language that doesn't always require physical sound.

Over thousands of years, humans have evolved along with language throughout every culture, enabling the sharing of our thoughts, ideas, emotions, and intentions with others. Although language is defined by rules, some rules or beliefs don't apply.

Last week, I met with my friend Melissa, a former client and now friend, for a light dinner to catch up. She knew me before 2016 when I shifted careers. She had always asked about my work but never asked for specific details until last week.

As we talked, I gave her a short list of the different readings, classes, and events I currently offer. Melissa seemed a bit confused as I explained the setup for the sessions and indicated the use of the phone or Zoom in addition to in-person sessions. She was quite shocked and commented, "What do you mean? I thought you had to be in person to do what you do." She wondered how that worked and asked me to explain.

I laughed respectfully but appreciated her point of view. I proceeded to share how I connect to people, animals, and other energies, like plugging a light fixture into an energy grid. It just happens. The arrangement for a session with a client, whether via phone, video call, or in-person, is effective and always has been. The connection, conversation, and details have always been equally the same.

Case in point...

When I began hosting readings over the phone, I did so without any preconceived ideas. My abilities to see, hear, feel, and know things progressed organically. I had some guidance through my mother in spirit, loved ones in spirit, guides, and the collective consciousness. I mean this: if I experienced something or someone through my senses, I stated what I experienced without interpreting the information.

Any outside mentorship was minimal, and I thank goodness for that. The setup of a session never mattered; whether I met my clients in person, through a video call, or by phone, I never felt the information changed; it all seemed to flow the same.

I remember when my client Bonney booked a phone session with me in 2018. The evidence or details in her reading about a family member were only known to her or her husband.  She recently made a comment on my social media about just that. “Christie has done readings for me by phone for over five years…. And every reading has been amazing. The perfect connection with…” Bonney, in her own knowing, intuition, or whatever you want to call it, we are connected.

I can understand and recognize the difference it makes to have a physical session in my home with me, to see, hear, and feel the physical experience. I know that holding space in my home offers another level of healing, especially when I offer a hug. But that doesn't justify the belief that we need to have a person-to-person meeting for a spiritual conversation to happen.

“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” – Chinese Proverb.

Let's discuss beliefs and how they can block our experience and potential to expand into this limitless world.

Beliefs Limit Our Experience of the Natural World, Seen and Unseen.

Perspective Photography Lens Filter
Borrowed Beliefs Can limit our Experience of the World, Photo Credit: Wix Media
"Overcoming limiting beliefs depends on our willingness to challenge and replace their beliefs with contrasting ones which feel uncomfortable, unfamiliar and, potentially, threatening to their sense of self." Kaine Ramsay

As human beings, we are meant to experience this world for ourselves first. Free from judgment and expectations, especially from others.

It is unfortunate how beliefs, attitudes, and philosophies that are completely wrong and outdated can prevent someone from having peace of mind.

Loss of any kind can be overwhelming at times. I know. I have lived through many different losses. The more I talked with my friend, the more she realized that her beliefs or assumptions were based on her exposure to media, television, and movies.

From time to time, it's essential to check in with ourselves to be aware of limiting beliefs, challenge them at the moment, or pause to consider why they are occurring. Usually, they are linked to a fear.

I thank goodness I learned from the Spirit world first and a little direction from a mentor I met in 2012 and continue to meet. I am grateful that my mother in Spirit guided me over time, along with my team in Spirit, to sense, feel, see, know, and experience how deeply connected we are to everything.

Here's another example. Years ago, when I worked with a non-profit for missing person cases based in the United States (I had to be tested for my abilities before they would admit me to the program along with over two hundred other people who had different abilities.) we were given limited details on cases.

detective would email a picture, name, date of birth, and the last location they were seen. I would test myself by tuning in using the person's name and trying to draw their profile picture. My drawings were and are pretty damn close except for my lack of artistic talent. (😊) I use this before meeting clients as well as using pre-writing, also known as 'scribing.' This is referred to as remote viewing.

I understand the importance of values and helpful beliefs as long as they serve each individual's highest good and purpose. If other people's beliefs sway you, they can also take you off track. Pause to check in, tune in to what feels right and good for you. I've encountered my fair share of skeptics, who's beliefs are all steered by fear, not love.

Last fall, a client asked their friend to book a session on their behalf. When I learned this upon her arrival, I didn't have any concern at all. Again, the link between me and the world of spirit and beyond exists. It knows us more than we know ourselves. We had a beautiful session. It confirms that we are more connected to the unseen world than we give it credit.


The truth is this: we are more connected than we think.

Photo of a Landscape
Landscape View of the Sky and Stars (Photo credit: Wix Media)
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think about energy, frequency, and vibration. Nikola Tesla

Serious interest in living a more connected life is on the rise. Part of this interest is fueled by people's desire to connect more intimately with nature, the unseen world of the Universe, and to better understand themselves.

Throughout the conversation with Melissa, I tried to explain that we are connected to a web of life, an unseen energy that coexists along with us. These subtle energy fields emanate through all living things and pulsate with information. Without going too deep into the laws of physics, there is a web of interconnected energetic activity that our eyes can't see.

The world holds more than meets the eye, and this is something we can sense within nature.

Many of us have lost touch with our wild nature. Some, but not all, have moved from connection to disconnection. Busyness is the new norm. However, the universal life source, Spirit, is a loved one (whatever feels right for you), and its energetic form hangs in the balance, waiting.

Henry David Thoreau, a naturalist, philosopher, and transcendent practitioner, once said, "We are asleep.  " Isolation has weakened our perception and/or ability to see our connection to the world around us. A great place to start is in our backyards.

Where Can We Start? Get Back to Nature

Nature nurtures our natural connection to the great web of life. - Christie Flynn

I don't need to tell you that there's a growing body of research, along with an intuitive understanding, that nature is vital for our health and state of being. This isn't new-age woo-woo stuff, either. It's tested, tried, and true.

Think back to a memory or a time when you were doing something and time passed quickly. This may take some reflection. See the exercise at the end of the post.

As I look back on my childhood, I can not help but feel eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to grow up surrounded by nature, spending summers at our family cottage, and living in remote areas of Saskatchewan. I have more respect for that time now and what it taught me. It was the best form of education and pre-training, or field training, for the work I grew into over time. It continues to grow as I invest in myself in various ways, much like any skill or ability. With time, energy, and focus, they become refined.

And with a flip of a switch, it all comes flooding back.

It was the end of a hot summer day like today when the light darkened, and the dusk of dawn began. I was sitting on the edge of our boat dock, dipping my toes into the cool lake water, watching and witnessing the dance of light ripples across its surface.  I tried to vocalize a call back to the loon directly in front of me, twenty feet away. Its call seems to have a unique power to transport us out of our world and evoke a sense of the unknown. The silence is loud and clear until its mate replies with a returning wail to indicate its location.

Connecting to everything is as vital to life as air is to the air that we breathe. - Christie Flynn


Nurture your true nature.

Beliefs can hold us back from a world that is as natural today as it was a thousand years ago before the language of the spoken word was born. The more time we invest in a natural environment, the better we understand how our lives are interconnected.

So here we are in transition. What we do in this moment is everything. Even though we are individuals, we are also part of the whole. What we do matters.

Here are a few prompts to kickstart the process: I recommend keeping a journal or notebook handy at all times or jotting down ideas in a note section of a phone or tablet. Use what works best for you. Review over the next thirty days to note repeating ideas. Perhaps highlight or circle them as well.

Look back upon your childhood memories when you enjoyed time in the outdoors.

  • Where did you go?

  • What did you do?

  • Who were you with?

  • Remember when time and space faded into the background, and you got lost in an experience that lifted you?

  • If you could go to a natural environment in your area, where are you drawn to go first?

  • Pay attention to ideas that pop into your mind in the coming weeks.

(Make sure you don’t allow your mind to wander past the desired memory into uncomfortable territory with low vibration. Maintain a simple focus on your truly fabulous past.)

The great wild out there is always available if we explore and seek its benefits.

Review your beliefs and the people around you to see if they align with the values that lead you in a more positive direction.

Where will you go today or tomorrow to nurture and cultivate that experience? The simpler, the better.

Let me know if this is helpful. Feel free to share a comment or subscribe.

Be well, and much love,


Mountain view along the water
Nature Nurtures Our Soul and Connection to Everything (Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta Canada)



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